Monday 31 December 2012

Man Rant

I think its rather important to be polite at the best and worst of times, but when someone refuses to take a hint, it leaves me with no other option but to be blunt and shut it down.

Last night, my friend and I met the most obnoxious man. Not only had he had way to much too drink and smelled rather unpleasant, he also kept interrupting our conversations and sitting down with us. I am positive we were not giving off an inviting vibe to this man, in fact, I told him how annoying he was getting, and asked him if he would please find a different table to entertain.

The bar was filled with these macho, juiced-up, gym monkeys last night, and of course it was- we decided to watch the football games at Real Sports. I stopped counting how many times I was asked if I liked football, and what I was doing after the game. All of these men were cookie cutters to me. They were all dressed the same, had a 32oz Coors Light beer in hand, and had greasy fingers from the mountain of wings they must have devoured minutes earlier. Not one of them did anything to make themselves stand out from their counterparts. 

Standing out would not have been hard last night, all someone would have had to do is wash their hands and start with a firm hand shake, a pleasant "hello, my name is....." then followed by a genuine compliment. That's it. I don't understand how that is so difficult. There is nothing worse that a pick-up line, unless of course it is coming from someone with a great sense of humour, and if that's the case, cool- rock it. I would think saying "hello" would be a million times easier than racking ones brain for a pick-up line that has worked in the past, I am sure it is damn-near impossible. 

"If you want to be an eagle, soar with eagles."

xo Emily 

Sunday 30 December 2012

I dedicate this SUNday FUNday...

Sunday is by far the greatest day of the week. I can happily say I dedicate this day to my friends, and our love for fun. Today, I have no idea what is on the agenda, just that I got to wake up late, get ready slow, watch Dave Chappelle AND that Ali will be here shortly.

Maybe today we will window shop, and go for coffee.

But probably not...

Being the last day of 2012 and all....except for well, tomorrow, I should probably celebrate the great year I have had. So cheers to all the new friends I have made, and the parties I have thrown, to the grades I earned and the promotion at work. This Sunday Funday is for YOU (well me!)

xo Emily

Friday 28 December 2012

Scrambled Eggs for Brains...just this morning

I am having an ADD moment, and can't make up my mind about what I want to blog about. It could be the fact that I am distracted by my new guilty pleasure, Real Housewives of Vancouver, or that fact that I have already had two large coffees, or the bag of Peppermint Kisses that I had for breakfast.  I'm a big fan of lists, so here's what's on my mind today:

1. New Years resolution this year? Maybe I should figure out my NYE plans first!

2. If I were President what would I do? I want to start by understanding what all this fiscal cliff stuff is about first. 

3. I need to avoid the mall at all cost. And cannot let my friends trick me into going shopping with them.

4. My Christmas break goal was to read two non-school related books, and start a blog. I am halfway through book one, and I started a blog. Go me!

5. I need to pick out some recipes for my new Crock Pot! 

Reading this over, I see just how scatterbrained I am today. Today, I will find focus. 

xo Emily

December Soundtrack

Some jamz on repeat right now...

1. My Homies Still - Lil Wayne ft. Big Sean
2. I'm Ready for Ya- Drake
3. 6'7"- Lil Wayne
4. Clique- Jay-Z & Kanye
5. Make it Nasty - Tyga
6. Pop That- French Montana
7. Racks - YC
8. Cinema - Gary Go, Benny Benassi & Skrillex
9. Mercy - Jay Z & Kanye
10. Locked Out of Heaven- Bruno Mars
11. Wobble- Travis Porter prod. Diplo
12. Neighbours Know my Name- Trey Songz
13. Simply Amazing - Trey Songz
14. Strange Clouds - B.o.B ft. Lil Wayne
15. Rack City - Tyga
16. Suga Suga- Baby Bash

xo Emily

Tuesday 25 December 2012

My Christmas

Twenty-three, that is the number of Christmases I have had. Of them, 16 have been celebrated in Florida. Between Walt Disney World and my Grandparent's house, I was unsure what a white Christmas was until I was 17, and luckily for me, global warming had already started to make its effect on Canada, so I still have not really experienced a white Christmas.

I remember one year, Santa, dropped off presents in Florida and at my home in Canada, that was a pretty cool year. I think I got a pink "My Little Pony." Im so blessed, my parents have always spoiled me.

My Dad picked me up from the train station, Sunday morning, and since I wasn't feeling too well, he brought me home, so I could sleep. My mom welcomed me with lots of hugs and kisses, and our dog, Harley followed me around everywhere, such a warm welcome. Mom knew I wasn't feeling well and already had soup on, soup, ginger ale and a warm bed was everything I needed.

Christmas Eve day, my Dad was out doing some last minute shopping, and volunteering, while I had tea and biscuits with my mom. We watched Christmas movies, and caught up. Traditionally, we have always had small appetizers for our Christmas Eve dinner, while we all laugh to Chevy Chase and the Grisword's in Christmas Vacation. We watch the news, and find out where Santa is. I don't leave cookies anymore, I think Santa likes eggnog much more!

I remember when I was younger, I would wake up early, so excited to see what Santa brought. I would check all the tags, and put my presents near the front, thinking I could open them first. Now, my parents have to wake me up, because they want to open presents- today, around noon.

A family tradition is to have a baked sausage, egg and cheese soufflé before we open presents, and it is my favourite meal ever. If I were to ever be required to choose a last meal, that would -without a doubt, be it. Bailey's coffee in hand, we head to the tree.

Stockings first.

Then the search for the Pickle. Yes, my mom hangs a pickle ornament on the tree, every year, and the first person to find it, gets to open the first gift. I always find it first!!!

I always love my presents, I am excited to cook a pot roast for my roommate, Sara with my new Crock Pot! Christmas is not just about the gifts, I love spending time with my family, it's as if I am a kid again. I always feel so safe at home, being in the comfort of my home with the 2 people I love most, is the best gift of all.

I can't wait to start planning my next trip home.

xo Emily

Saturday 22 December 2012

Home for the Holidays

 I always go home to visit my parents at Christmas, it wouldn't feel right if I didn't spend the holidays with them. My mom cooks all of my favourite foods, Christmas music plays on constant, the house is decorated and lit up, and our family dog has on his Christmas outfit. Sounds delightful; however, almost every year right before the holidays I manage to come down with a cold. I suppose it is a buildup of the busy season, the end of exams, the long hours at work, and my body subconsciously telling me to relax.

There is nothing more comforting than being sick in the comfort of my own home, under the care of my mother. She stays up all night making homemade soups, has the ultimate supply in cold medicines, and an array of treats that always make me feel better- from popsicles to movies. In two days, I am good as new.

When I am sick in my own place, it is the absolute worst. My days consist of calling into work sick, ordering Swiss Chalet soup, staying in bed, and watching TV. For a busy person like myself, this is not very much fun at all.

I am sick right now, and I could not be more excited to arrive at my parent's place tomorrow, and kick this cold before Christmas morning! There truly is nothing like a mother's love.

xo Emily

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Holiday Banter: Guns in America

In the wake of the horrid shooting last week, I decided to watch Michael Moore's famed "Bowling for Columbine." I remember the exact day that the Columbine shooting happened, I was in Grade 4 and came home to my weeping mother, shocked by what world was coming to. I was far too young to understand the gravity of what had happened that day, but since April 20, 1999, there have been 31 mass shooting in schools in America, and I have become much to accustomed to their occurrence.

Like everyone else, I wonder what causes this to happen? Who are there young people who bring guns to school? How could one take another person's life? And why does this keep happening?

There never will be a concrete answer to any of those questions, all that is clear is that there is a pattern, it has happened in the past, and will happen again in the future, each time, more grotesque than the last.

I believe that the only way to prevent shootings from happening over and over again is to make the purchase of guns near impossible- as Michael Moore urged Wal-mart to do at the end of the movie; and to educate young people, teach them how to deal with their feelings, and give them alternatives to grabbing a gun and heading out to make an impulse decision; and lastly, I am stealing this one from 'Bowling for Columbine' but it could not be more true, change the tone of the news- American news is terrifying, fear is instilled in Americans from and early age and resonates for their entire life. Preventative action is needed to solve the problem here.

It needs to happen before more shootings happen. There are already 30 families mourning the loss of their babies this Christmas, as an intelligent region of the world, we do have the power to change things.

How about smiling at someone when they pass us on the street, or letting the elderly person jump in front of you in line- anywhere! the 'pay-it-forward' state of mind, pushes people to be selfless in their day to day life. As a Canadian, I always hold the door for someone, no matter how long I have to stand there, I do this when I visit America as well, and people are shocked by my kindness. This should just be something we are expected to do, helping others should make us happier.

On that note, let's pray for the families in Newton, and pay-it-forward this holiday season.

xo Emily