Wednesday 2 January 2013

Facebook/Twitter/Pinterest OH MY!

With more social media sites popping up as each month passes, how do I remain ahead of the game and learn how to use a site effectively while maintaining a level of privacy over my life? I think staying on top of the latest trends is important, but should not be life consuming. There is no possible way for one person to know how to maximize the use of each site right away. Like anything it takes time, and practice.  My goal for the next year will be learning more about the new social outlets, and how I can link them successfully to my other pages.

I have broken down what sites I use, what I use them for, and who my interactions are with:

1) Facebook- I find with Facebook, I want my friends to actually be my friends, I tend to put the most personal things on my page, but limit who is able to see what. My closest friends have access to my pictures, while my work friends have access to my statuses and my own posts only. I can always change privacy settings if I become closer to someone. I prefer to keep a level of separation between work and my personal life. 

2) Twitter - In 140 characters, I will say a lot but I will not use profanity, or defame anyone. I like to say what I think and stay true to myself without offending anybody. Twitter has become a huge marketing outlet and a powerful means of communication, and I do not want a potential employer to look back on my Tweets and see how much I disliked something specific. I do not want to burn down any bridges before I get to them. Twitter is something I have linked to my other pages, as I feel it is not as personal as Facebook, and shows my personality.

3) Pinterest - Such a great way to interact and connect with another person or company and see their likes. I like being able to see what a company likes, and see how our interests compare. It is also great for recipes and outfit ideas. Since I am still fairly new to the site, I have not yet linked it to any of my other pages. 

4) Linkedin - When I first heard about Linkedin I didn't understand what it was all about, but now that I have created a page, and have updated it a few times, I understand just how important my online network is. I feel my next job, will come out of my interactions on Linkedin, and because of this is it extremely important to brand myself well. I have linked Twitter to my Linkedin account, so far that is it. 

My social media presence is a great representation of myself, I choose quality over quantity, and follow a "less-is-more" approach. I think it is more important for me to have an active presence on a few sites, rather than minimal and possibly flighty presence on many sites. 

xo Emily

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